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Geotechnical Engineering Activities and the R&D Credit

Tax Credit Collective overviews geotechnical engineering activities that can qualify for tax credits- especially the Research & Development tax credit.

Does your Firm Engage in Geotechnical Activities?

Does your firm engage in civil engineering, structural engineering, or environmental resilience work? If so, there is a good chance you’re also doing geotechnical engineering! The challenges of these projects often necessitate new or improved products, processes, or software, technical solutions, or a process of experimentation. Federal and state governments incentivize companies to do this costly and challenging work through tax credits. At Tax Credit Collective, we help a wide variety of engineering firms capture the R&D Tax Credit. If your business engages in the following activities, you could be eligible to capture the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit:

Some common geotechnical activities that can qualify firms to capture this credit are:

· Investigation of subsurface conditions and materials

· Site monitoring/ site risk assessment

· Natural disaster mitigation

· Retaining structure and foundation design

· Earthwork’s design

· In-situ soil testing

· Slope stability analysis

· Infrastructure design

· Subsea materials analysis

· Load bearing investigations

· Excavation shoring

· Hazardous waste disposal processes

· Geosynthetics design and experimentation

· ... and more activities. This is not an exhaustive list!

Tax Credits Can Be Complicated

We know Tax Credits can be tricky to understand, calculate and substantiate. We're here to help you determine if you are eligible to capture the R&D tax credit. You can reach us at 833-3INCENT.

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